
My Wish List!

               This Goldsteig Race is really unlike anything I've ever done before. I have some experience doing Ultra marathons for almost a year now, but this race isn't your average Ultra marathon; it's really more like an Ultra wilderness adventure race. Think more along the lines of Bear Grylls or Survivor Man. It's 8 days of running in the Bavarian Alps. Most of the course is very remote and will be hard for my support crew to reach me. Of course I will have and need them, but I will still need to be as self-reliant as I can.
           So in case you were wondering about what things I could use, I've put together this Wish List of the items I can use! This is only a partial list, if you want to see a complete list on Amazon Click HERE ! Also Don't forget I can still use cash contributions for plane tickets and other travel expenses. If your interested in donating to my PayPal, check out my FundRaiser Page too! Thanks So Much! This Journey would not be possible without your support!

 Headlamps! One of the greatest ways to keep the path lit up at night.
 These are some of the cheapest, smallest, brightest flashlights I've seen. Absolutely the Best.

 I will carry as much water as I can with me in my backpack, but in case I find myself without water for any reason, I'd be VERY thankful for this!

 These light weight, all weather blankets make the best option for keeping me warm for any short sleeping breaks I take.

It rains in Germany. This is a necessity item.

Anyone whose hiked with Trekking Poles before knows they make molehills out of Mountains.  

Rechargeable Batteries are the best option to power our head and flashlights.

This Titanium Spork is cheap, reliable, easy to carry and I just think it's the coolest thing in the world! Maybe not exactly a necessity, but there will be plenty of times it'll come in handy.

 My Little Brother Xavier will be part of my support crew for this adventure. This Insulin Cooler would be perfect to help manage his Type 1 Diabetes.

 These pictures are all linked to, but if you have any of these items lying around your house and would like to donate them, please don't hesitate! Send me an email:

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